2023 is at the door knocking with loads of opportunities! Could this be your year of luck? Kei is about to blow your mind with good news. Be on the lookout. If you had a chance to skim through my previous article, you have come across the MEXT scholarship program. Worry not if you still need to read it; you can go back and check it out. Please look at what you stand to gain from—a fully-funded scholarship. I am sure Santa already spoilt you with gifts, but some more won't hurt. Today I have some solutions to some of the dilemmas you are going through in search of green pastures. Should I be 25 years and below to get a scholarship? Wait, must I have an undergraduate degree to join one of the most prestigious universities in Japan? The answer to both questions is NO!! What is a teachers' training scholarship? The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international teachers who wish to research school education at ...